Modalities working from broader, more holistic perspectives are increasing in number & popularity. They don’t need to be in competition with the more specific therapies you're using. In fact, they can work well together to support overall outcomes. If we can help the body communicate, that has a positive flow on effect to other methods being used. Also, as health professionals we know we should support our own health & wellness too. So my work is also to support you personally as well & the invaluable work you do with your clients.

Are you & your body staying on top of your health professionally & personally? The best person to look after you is you right? So why not utilize ways that allow you to look after yourself more, so you can keep you doing what you love. If you can support & allow mind & body to take care of things as best as they can, it can lead to less stress & more quality of life in & out of work. We all need to incorporate ways of keeping balance to manage physical & mental stress loads. Take a look around the site, see if any of it resonates, if so take the opportunity to chat with me further.

We are all running our own race. Building & maintaining a practice is important, but there’s a symbiotic relationship between your professional & personal life. Many therapists fall into the old trap of looking after everyone else & not always following their own advice. How many actually have the therapy they practice done on themselves on a regular basis, let alone modalities outside their scope of practice that are also beneficial to them. I partner & work with fellow health professionals to support their health, wellness & performance on both a personal & professional level.

I believe the heart of all practice should be the philosophy of helping & supporting others, whether from our skill base or not. Trying everything I know first then leaving a client to their own devices with a “sorry,” is not how I do things. It’s about encouraging clients to know their own mind & body, learn what areas / therapies / practices I do or you do that they respond well to, for me it’s just part of good practice. By working together with clients & their other therapists / trainers / support networks we can all work towards contributing in a positive way.

It’s good to have people you & clients can call on when things fall outside your scope of practice. Whether that’s within a client’s own network of people they use, or within our own we can direct them to. Having a large base of local & non-local clients, I try to refer & network with chiropractors, physio’s, bowen & massage therapists, sports trainers & medical specialists in a client’s local area. We can’t be all things to all people, so I like to connect with those that understand & see the reciprocal benefits in using each others strengths & specific approaches.

We spend years training to do the best with what gets presented to us by our clients. Because I work with the individuals own self healing, communicating repair networks, it could be mutually beneficial for those of you who seek improvement in engagement & responsiveness of clients. If you have clients that aren’t responding well to your area of expertise & should be, working in conjunction could assist in putting them in a more receptive state, helping you move forward with their treatment plan.

If my services are something you would like to investigate further on a professional or personal level, please feel free to make contact & let's create a new connection. Health professionals that normally connect with my work are massage therapists, chiropractors, yoga instructors, cranial sacral & bowen therapists, naturopaths, sports trainers & coaches just to name a few. If the whole mind / body connection philosophy makes sense to you get in touch, always happy to connect with like-minded people.