Getting your body/mind working for you on the "inside," so you don't have to work as hard on the "outside". It makes sense right ! Do you think getting your built-in self-healing / regulatory responses into gear & online is a good idea ? To look at whether your body's energy, attention & awareness might be working against you instead of for you, before starting to look at elsewhere. This is just one of the shifts in philosophy I use with my clients on a daily basis. If this kind of thinking makes sense to you then great, there's more ! The approaches & modalities I bring together may be what you've been looking for. One of the great features of BodyTalk & Emotion Code is you can have sessions done that suit you or your family's needs via Online, Phone, or Remotely.
Most natural therapies & wellbeing practices focus on manually stimulating the body or mind in some way to “initiate” or ”trigger” an inner healing response. They're right in doing so... BUT, are they leaving out a big piece of your puzzle - Here's the theory ! What if your inner healing & communication systems being stimulated are "out of sync" - in other words "offline", overwhelmed or requiring other support. You may not be able to respond as well, if at all, to those therapies & practices being done with you - or by you. This can lead to further stress & overload in your mind & body. Let's take a look at the things from a different, bigger picture perspective. When we "Zoom Out" there's a lot more to see...

I work with you & the modalities I've bought together to naturally support & synchronize with the body's self healing & inner responses. From there it's about working from that newly created baseline, harnessing those same methods / techniques to go in new ways / directions for you. When your systems are feeling aligned & on the same page, it can really open up potential in what you're doing for yourself, as well as what I'm focused on with you as a practitioner - Driving & facilitating shifts / changes.
BodyTalk, Bowen Therapy & Emotion Code are some of the best ways I've found to work with clients & let the body to be part of the solution too. Collaborating with the body, using the techniques & qualifications I've gathered over many years of clinical experience in multiple disciplines, allow me the chance to work better with you & for you - not just on you. Want to dive deeper ? Check out the modalities page via the button below.
I've worked with people to naturally support them in their wellness goals & challenges across the country here in Australia, and indeed across the globe. So many of us are looking to fill in the gaps / find the missing pieces to getting ourselves back on track. Whether it's to build a new you, or recovering the old you, I'm here to support your working through those goals & challenges the best way i know how.
I’ve worked with people stuck at home, on holiday, at work, on & off the sporting field, in/under care, even on mountain tops - just to name a few. Want to know more about who I work with & if we are a good fit ? Check out the Working with and Inspiration pages.

The body/mind can have an incredible healing potential, when unbound by hindering limitations & understanding. Empowering that inner potential alongside practices we know are good for us seems like a logical first or next step. If you think so, get in touch OR get inspiration from what others have recruited themselves & my services for on the inspiration page.
P.S - Remember you can always book in a FREE WELLNESS CALL & find out more by chatting with me directly how to benefit you or your family.